The Ultimate Guide On Delivering 24/7 Customer Support The Right Way

24/7 customer support

The Ultimate Guide On Delivering 24/7 Customer Support The Right Way

Implementing a 24/7 customer support to your business is almost a bittersweet feeling. Rewarding but also tricky. This means that your customer base is growing, and you have to keep up with the changes to improve your service.

For every business that scales up, one must have a good strategy for approaching this kind of set-up. That’s why we are here to tell you how to do it the right way.

Challenges will come: where to start, budget, language and culture barriers, etc. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider to make your plan a successful one. To learn more about extending your working hours without sacrificing your service quality, read on.

Why Provide 24/7 Customer Support In The First Place?

Many questions are going through your mind right now, but the one that needs an immediate answer is this one. Why do you need to provide it? What’s in it for your business? What are the benefits of 24/7 customer service? 

The simple answer is that more customers mean more demands that you need to satisfy. Especially now, the digital age causes people to expect businesses to be more connected and engaged with the customers’ needs.

When you persist in going with the same workforce you had when you first started, you might not survive the fierce competition. 

This is why we listed down the reasons that will convince you to take your customer support to the next level.

It Shows That You Care For Your Customers

When you have customers from all over the world, it’s understandable that your time zones are different. Providing 24/7 customer support will allow your business to accommodate customers even after working hours.

This puts you in a good light as it shows that you genuinely care for everyone that supports your business. 

Convenience and High Responsiveness

Who likes waiting? No one does unless a big reward awaits. However, your customers don’t think like that. When a problem arises, they want a solution as soon as possible.

And asking them to stay in line for a few minutes or responding to their messages the next day will only make them go to a competitor. Give them a positive experience by letting them reach out to you conveniently and entertaining their requests as soon as possible.

Stay Ahead of The Competition

24/7 customer support services will also go a long way when beating your competitors in the game. Many businesses still struggle in delivering around the clock support to their customers.

Make this weakness of others as one of the core strengths of your business. Through this, you can stand out from the rest of the names inside the customers’ minds. When they think of your customer support, reliable and effective are the words that will come up.

Positive Image

People are fond of giving comments, be it positive or negative. It’s important to focus on how you can give your customers an excellent service. So the next time they meet with their family and close friends, they can talk about the positive experience that your business provided to them.

When you consistently attend to your customers’ demands without any delay, the right word will surely spread, and the next thing you know, new customers are already flocking at your door.

Efficiency Does Wonders To Your Business

When the working stops as employees’ shifts end, the piling up of customers’ unattended requests is inevitable. Your employees will get overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to do as soon as they go back.

With the application of 24/7 customer support, your agents won’t have to spend time on backlog cases. They just have to focus on accommodating the customers that reach out during their shift. This increases their productivity, and the quality of their service will not falter. 

How To Provide 24/7 Customer Support?

Now that we explained why your business needs to provide 24/7 customer support, it’s time to tackle the ways of doing it correctly. 

For everything that needs to be accomplished, you must put effort and time (and well, money) to succeed. But extending your customer support hours doesn’t have to cause you an arm or a leg.

It may require you to hire more people, but it’s not as complicated and expensive as some people would say. You just have to come up with a strategy that will benefit not only your customers but also your business. 

Artificial Intelligence Is a Life-saver

Most of the time, customers reach out to ask for basic questions. For this situation, chatbots can take the place of human support agents to give answers right away. Of course, social interaction is still preferable.

But when someone only asks for a simple inquiry, a chatbot can perfectly attend to them. It also helps your employees to pay more attention to cases that matter the most. Make the most out of technology and still do business even if your employees are still unavailable.

Add More Hours/People To Your Local Team 

Maybe this is the most accessible take on this set-up. It makes sense because if you expand your hours, you either need more people to do the job or more time. Adding more hours to your employees’ shifts is more affordable and saves you the hassle of recruitment.

But here’s the downside, they are just people. It will exhaust and de-motivate them to work. On the other hand, hiring more people will eliminate burnout from your employees, but it also means spending more money and time to train your recruits. 

If you are going to take this route, you have to consider what your people have to say. Listen to their own needs and conditions. Also, make sure to provide ways that will adequately compensate for their hard work.

Through this, your employees can provide the best service to your customers, and your business will have smooth operations.

Accept The Idea of Working Remotely

Many people will say that having your people work away from you is not a good idea. You can’t monitor how they work and if they are doing things right. It can also be challenging to teach them the work culture of your company. But you are not going to hire someone just for the sake of it.

There are many professional virtual assistants (VA) that can cover for the different time zones that your customers are in. They allow you to do more tasks without spending too much energy and money.

Here at JobsDone, we have highly-skilled 24/7 virtual assistants that are available to assist your customers. If your business is global, there’s no need to worry. English is widely spoken in the Philippines, and the language barrier won’t be a problem.

Filipinos are also hospitable and welcoming to different cultures. Working with us will be a swift and worthwhile experience.


Outsourcing your customer support to a different service provider is a great way to provide around the clock support without the headaches and the hassle. When your local team heads home, you can hand the customer support responsibilities to your hired agents on the other side of the world.

Especially when you want your business to reach a lot of regions, outsourcing greatly works. It’s productive, cost-effective, and the peace of mind that you get is unbeatable.

If you don’t know where to start or how to start outsourcing, look no further. JobsDone offers virtual assistant services for all of your business needs. We provide 24/7 customer support.

What if your product or service deals with technology? We have 24/7 technical support too. How about 24/7 email support? We can also provide that. You name it; we can do it for you.

We want to help you in any way that we can, and we can assure you that our service is nothing short of excellent. 

Tick Tock: Around The Clock Support Is Not Impossible

You can choose one of these ways or even all of these to approach your 24/7 customer support strategy. The important thing is to know what works and what doesn’t. When something brings good results, then continue doing it. But don’t fear change.

Your strategy will inevitably evolve as long as your business grows. We have provided you with ideas; all you have to do is choose the best option for your unique needs.

Remember that you are deciding for your customers and your employees, both of your company’s best assets. When you can satisfy both of their needs, then success is right around the corner. Claim it before it’s too late. 

Roland Francis Dacillo

Aside from writing, Roland has varied interests including skincare, music, sci-fi, finance, and economics. He aspires to be a philanthropist in his 40s, with the main goal of inspiring and touching other people's lives.

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